Are You Truly Embracing Your Singleness?

Hi SRW Friends, Wouldn’t it be amazing if 2014 was the year that you truly embraced your singleness instead of pretending to? This question brings me back to a time when I was a new believer and was trying to fit in to my new identity. Even though I repeated the Lord’s prayer and strongly… Continue reading Are You Truly Embracing Your Singleness?

“How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

SRW: For many young women marrying a minister is a dream come true. As a single, how did you manage to maintain your integrity? Minister Bullens Managing/Maintaining my integrity came out of my love for God. I understood that as a single person, He is my first priority and it was/is/and will always be my… Continue reading “How We Met” Interviews – Inside My Chambers

Where Can I Go To Meet Someone?

  Are you a new Christian wondering “where can I go to meet someone”? Don’t worry you are not the first nor the last to ask this question.  As a Christian counselor I’ve been asked this question plenty of times and my answer is always the same:  focus on what you love to do i.e… Continue reading Where Can I Go To Meet Someone?

Are You Looking For A Husband?

If you prefer to listen to the VBlog of this post see below. Before I share my top three reasons why ladies should stop looking for a husband let me tell you what I am not saying. I am not saying that women who desire to have a purposeful relationship that leads to marriage should… Continue reading Are You Looking For A Husband?